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34 videos found
Exploring Deco Delights – Global Cities: Mumbai and New York | Art Deco Mumbai
Mumbai and New York, two cosmopolitan financial centres of the world, have another thing in common – both enthusiastically embraced the Art Deco style in the 20th century. This illustrated talk, held as part of the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival 2021, focuses on developing an appreciation for this ...
Driving with Deco: Cruising Past Mumbai's Art Deco | Art Deco Mumbai
The Art Deco style, with its characteristic ‘streamlining’, inspired by aerodynamic design and detailed, yet stylistic, geometric ornamentation, reflected an admiration for the machine's modernity. The non-traditional extravagance of such simplistic and functional forms translated into various ...
Deco Radio: The Most Beautiful Radios Ever Made | Art Deco Mumbai
Explore the untold story of famous industrial designers, who used new materials and mass production in the 1930s and 40s to create beautifully coloured, streamlined radios. This started a trend that brought the world-wide spread of modern Art Deco styling into homes. The advent of the small ...
Deco by the Sea - The sea & its influence on Mumbai's architecture | Art Deco Mumbai
Any serious interest in Mumbai's architecture must also consider the presence of the sea in the city and the impact it has had on its urban landscape. From maritime motifs on building facades, to floor plans designed to capture every ounce of sea breeze, the architecture in this coastal city is ...
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