What is Art Deco? Art Deco and Modernism Society of Australia Inc., Melbourne

The term Art Deco is used to describe stylistic changes that occurred to nearly every visual medium with a design element in the interwar years and for a number of years before and after. It covers “modern” approaches to architecture, fashion, art, graphics and film. The new aesthetics were also found in industrial design, furniture, transport, communications, and in household items. The style, which was universal, represented a move away from traditional values and was characterised by clean, geometric and elegant lines that replaced the excessive decoration of previous styles. It drew its inspiration from many cultures but is generally regarded as having its origins in pre-WWI Europe. Its introduction occurred concurrently with massive changes in technology that saw the introduction of new materials and manufacturing techniques that allowed goods and items to become available to the masses. 


It remains popular around the world and is increasingly appreciated by new generations who are enchanted by its simplicity, style, design, superior materials and finishes. 


Research / Deco De-coded